Every 28 Days

Germany 2015 89 minutes
  • Director: Ina Borrmann

In Central Europe ten percent of all couples need longer than two years to make their wish of having a child come true. As with so many other things, I put my wish for a child off until the last possible biological moment. The idea of having a baby frightened me. I was preoccupied with myself and didn‘t want a commitment.

On the one hand there was the desire for a relationship and a home but on the other there was the longing for total freedom and independence. It also seemed important to me to resist society’s pressure to give birth. I considered my not having a child a statement as it were.

But then it happened, suddenly and unexpectedly. Wanting to have a child emerged from the darkest depths of my psyche. After all, two’s company but not a family… EVERY 28 DAYS is a radically personal documentary about the filmmaker´s attempts to become pregnant in her late thirties.